2022 is here! New Year’s are notorious for setting up new challenges for oneself and just like everyone else we have set our vision board for 2022 with our hopeful plans and goals. A goal of ours is to continue to evolve McKinley Modern into a lifestyle brand. The evolution of course will not happen overnight but, we have thought of some ways to start our process.

One part of the evolution of McKinley Modern for 2022 is to utilize the blogging platform more frequently to be able to personally connect with our audience. We want to share more of our behind the scenes processing and brainstorming of concepts. Our audience will also get to see more of our CEO’s personal life and as busy as it gets!

Another part of the evolution of McKinley Modern for 2022 is to show more interior design home decor inspirations for our audience. We do A LOT of personal interior styling, sometimes it happens to quick to capture. However, we are challenging ourselves in this new year to show you all our staging and home decor projects.

The final part of the evolution of McKinley Modern for 2022 is more unique modern home decor products. You all raved over our 2021 collection, Transcend. To keep the momentum going, we will have another collection drop, as well as mini product drops throughout the year!

We are challenging ourselves to do more in 2022! On this final day of 2021, what visions or goals have you set for yourself going into the New Year and how will you hold yourselves accountable? 

Set your bar high! Strive to challenge your comfort zones! Schedule regular cadences to check on your progress and adjust as needed!

Happy New Year,

McKinley Modern

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